How to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail

How to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail, In the realm of email communication, maintaining privacy and professionalism is often a priority. Gmail, one of the most widely used email platforms, provides users with a useful feature – the ability to send emails to undisclosed recipients. This feature allows you to share information with multiple recipients without revealing their email addresses to each other. In this blog post, we will explore the steps and best practices on How to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail, offering a discreet and secure communication solution.

The Importance of Sending Emails to Undisclosed Recipients:

Before diving into the steps, let’s understand the scenarios where sending emails to undisclosed recipients can be crucial:

  1. Professionalism:
    In professional settings, such as business communications or collaborative projects, it is often preferred to keep recipients’ email addresses hidden. This adds an element of professionalism and prevents unintentional misuse of email addresses.
  2. Privacy and Confidentiality:
    When sharing information with a group of people who may not know each other, or when dealing with sensitive information, sending emails to undisclosed recipients helps protect the privacy and confidentiality of individual email addresses.
  3. Preventing Reply-All Mishaps:
    When the recipient list is visible to all, there is a higher risk of unintended reply-all responses. Sending emails to undisclosed recipients mitigates this risk by concealing the recipient list.

Steps to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail:

Follow these step-by-step instructions on How to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail:

  • Login to Your Gmail Account:
    Open your Gmail account by navigating to and log in with your credentials.
  • Click on “Compose”:
    Click on the “Compose” button located in the upper-left corner to create a new email.
  • Enter “Undisclosed Recipients” in the “To” Field:
    In the “To” field, enter “Undisclosed Recipients” followed by your email address within angle brackets. The format should look like this: Replace “” with your actual email domain.
  • Complete the Email:
    Add a subject, compose your email message, and attach any files if necessary. The email is now ready to be sent to undisclosed recipients.
  • Send the Email:
    Click on the “Send” button to dispatch the email to the undisclosed recipients. They will receive the email without seeing each other’s email addresses.

Considerations and Best Practices:

While sending emails to undisclosed recipients adds a layer of privacy, here are some considerations and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use Bcc for Larger Groups:
    For larger groups of recipients, consider using the “Bcc” (Blind Carbon Copy) feature instead. The “Undisclosed Recipients” method is suitable for smaller groups, and “Bcc” is more scalable for larger mailing lists.
  2. Test Before Sending:
    Before sending the email, it’s advisable to test the functionality by sending a copy to yourself or a trusted colleague. This ensures that the email is formatted correctly and recipients remain undisclosed.
  3. Include a Personalized Greeting:
    To maintain a personal touch, consider including a generic but friendly greeting in your email, as recipients won’t see each other’s names.
  4. Example: Dear Team,
  5. Inform Recipients About Group Email:
    Depending on the context, it might be appropriate to inform recipients that the email is being sent to a group but their email addresses are hidden for privacy reasons. Transparency can foster trust.
  6. Check Spam Folders:
    In some cases, emails sent to undisclosed recipients may be flagged as spam by email providers. Advise recipients to check their spam or junk folders if they do not see the email in their inbox.
  7. Secure Your Email Account:
    Ensure that your Gmail account is secure, with a strong password and two-factor authentication enabled. This adds an extra strata of protection to your contact.

Frequently Asked Questions:


  • Can I Use “Unmanifest delivery man” in “Cc” or “Bcc”?
    No, the “Undisclosed Recipients” method is specific to the “To” field. If you want to hide recipients in the “Cc” or “Bcc” fields, use the standard “Bcc” method.
  • Is There a Limit to the Number of Undisclosed Recipients?
    Gmail doesn’t have a strict limit on the number of undisclosed recipients, but it’s recommended for smaller groups. For larger mailing lists, consider using the “Bcc” feature.
  • Do Recipients Know They Are “Undisclosed”?
    No, recipients do not see the term “Undisclosed Recipients” when they receive the email. They see the email as if it were sent directly to them.
  • Can I Use This Method for Marketing Emails?
    For marketing emails, especially those sent to a larger audience, it’s better to use the “Bcc” feature to handle email privacy more effectively.


How to Send Emails to Undisclosed Recipients in Gmail, Sending emails to undisclosed recipients in Gmail is a valuable feature that enhances privacy and professionalism in various communication scenarios. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering best practices, users can confidently send emails to groups without exposing individual email addresses.

As email communication continues to play a crucial role in personal and professional interactions, mastering features like sending emails to undisclosed recipients empowers users to communicate securely and with a heightened sense of discretion.